Friday, May 9, 2008

Fun times at Nature's Nest...

These are the oat cakes from the Little Acorn Learning Guide...
Yummy! Catriona had 4 of them!
And this is our wee fairy house behind the "fairy" tree (one of our lilac bushes).
Catriona was whispering to the fairies and giving them an offering of leaves :)

Time at Nature's Nest...

Catriona enjoys pushing the little kids on the swings... much that Landon fell asleep! hehe cute! :)
Belly swinging, look at 'em go!
This was colored by the whole group, I just love it so thought I'd snap a picture of was a box from the packaging of the new table I got for the kiddos...

...Aaaaafter! lol

For one of my last projects in school, I had to come up with a thematic unit and present it to the class, well I did Backyard Birds. I had a lot of fun including the children in this assignment! Here they are making baby ducklings with pom poms...

Lauren's visit with us...

This is Lauren, Natalie's big sister...she joined us for the week of spring break at the public school. She'll also be joining us for summer break! She's a great addition and I look forward to her company. She did very well with the nature bracelets!

She found a dead bee and asked if she could use it, I thought, Yeah, why not!

So Lauren gets the prize for creating awesome nature bracelets, and enjoying the process :)
aww, cute!