Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Saint Patrick's Day fun!

Ok, so even though I'm Scottish and when we were little we would wear orange to school instead of green AND take the chance of being the only one's NOT wearing green and get pinched, I still like to celebrate this fun and festive day! (believe me I would check my socks and underwear for just a teeny speck of green wherever I could find! lol)

This is the very first time I've ever made home-made playdough and I absolutely LOVE it! It's SO easy and so pliable, the kids loved it! They were playing with it while it was still nice and warm and I put a sprinkle of peppermint extract in it, so it smelled real nice... If I had remembered I would have put some green glitter in it too!

This is a Leprachaun that Catriona made, hehe, aint he cute! lol
Some fresh playdough for the kiddo's to take home with them...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Catriona's first organic Waldorf style dollies...

Catriona's dress...

I bought this dress from a very artistic, talented and crafty wahm (work at home mom) who makes these lovely dresses not only for her own daughters, but special orders for her customers... Catriona looooves it too! Now I want one in my size! When she put it on she asked where her glass slippers were, and she was being serious! lol too cute! My little earth child :)
You can view more of this lovely designers work at her myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/oceansky73

Monday, March 10, 2008

Outside with children...

We finally got a break from the freezing cold on this day, so I thought I'd snap some pictures of the girls swinging! They were so excited to get back on them!

Here's Catriona pusing her cousin Willow, very nice...

My winter nature table...

I'm so anxious to set up the Spring nature table!!! But I have enjoyed collecting bits and pieces to make this winter one... I also have a mantel above this where I keep candles and some nice incense... I light the incense only at night when the kids aren't around, but the smell lasts into the next day which is nice...

Some lovely tulips that dh brought home to bring a little Spring our way...aw! :)

Daycare fun!

This is Nicole (my 18 yo dd) leading a marching band around the table! They went around the rooms about 10 times, it was so cute!

Making a snowperson!

Here's Catriona, Daddy and Findlay making a snowperson in our backyard!

Valentine's cooking,,,

Well, this may be late, but I still wanted to share... Me and the kids had fun cutting out all the pretty hearts, oh and taste testing the dough! hehe

All the kids had some sent home with them to enjoy with their family :)