Yay! I love my new sewing corner of my bedroom! :) There is an antique singer sewing machine within that dark wooden table that was my grandmothers (my dad's mom), and that chair was hers as well that she used with it. It came over from Scotland with them, many, many years ago. It was quite an honor for her to give it to me... I've sewn one dress and one skirt on it... That was a long time ago... I've since bought the white singer that's on top of it... Not the best machine, but it's getting the job done... I would so love a serger some day! It really finishes things off nicely...as I want to make clothes for me and Catriona.
Anyway, I've been working on this all weekend! I needed to fit my sewing machine somewhere to be able to have freer access to it... and also I've been sorting out Catriona's room and books...I'm pooped! I can't believe how much stuff I've got done... I feel good about it though... I got rid of a lot of stuff that I wasn't and that was just taking up space! Being organized, and everything having it's own "home", makes it look cleaner and homier to me!
In the past I have enjoyed getting tips from fly lady on organizing and keeping a ship shape home http://flylady.com/ Some of it seems a bit old fashioned to me...but very helpful never the less... Also, I've enjoyed my Martha Stewart shows and magazines in the past http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.76d5d3769e1fc1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=c479cf380e1dd010VgnVCM1000005b09a00aRCRD Although, I haven't had time in the past year or so to read these websites, I still implement what I've learned from them :)
Oh yeah, I'm also very happy about hubby painting our entry doors of our house, red! It's said to be good fortune to all who reside within and keeps out any evil spirits or misdoers ;)
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